Next Week At A Glance

With the midterms and this week’s Fed meeting now out of the way, focus in the US can now return to what is the tail end of the earnings result season and the run up to the shopping bonanza that is Thanksgiving the following week. The rebound from correction lows is now well established, but nerves are still jangling.

Next week the US sees CPI, retail sales and industrial production numbers.

Ditto China, from which comes the monthly data dump of retail sales, industrial production and fixed asset investment numbers.

Note that OPEC/non-OPEC meet this weekend to discuss production quotas.

In Australia we’ll see the NAB business and Westpac consumer confidence surveys along with October jobs data and the September quarter wage price index, which is the canary in the ultimate GDP result coal mine.

The local AGM season picks up steam next week and there are far too many meetings scheduled to highlight here. Please refer to the FNArena Calendar.

Out-of-cycle earnings reports also come thick and fast, including those from Elders ((ELD)), Incitec Pivot ((IPL)), AusNet Services ((AST)), DuluxGroup ((DLX)) and Graincorp ((GNC)).

MYOB ((MYO)) will host an investor day.

About Greg Peel

Greg Peel joined Macquarie Bank in 1986 and acquired trading experience in equities, currency, fixed income and commodities derivatives, ultimately being appointed director of equity derivatives trading. He later published In With The Smart Money (a plain English guide to the mysterious world of financial markets and derivatives) and acted as a consultant to boutique investment funds. In 2004 Greg joined FNArena as a contributing writer. He is now a director and principal of the company. Greg compliments the journalistic background of the FNArena team with lengthy experience as a financial markets proprietary trader.

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