
The Key Catalysts Driving Renewable Play Genex Power

First Sentier Investors Senior Portfolio Manager Tim Canham discuss their substantial shareholding in renewable energy company Genex Power.


First Sentier Investors Senior Portfolio Manager Tim Canham discuss their substantial shareholding in renewable energy company Genex Power.


• In Australia there are very limited options to gain exposure to the renewable energy sector due to recent corporate activity.
• Infigen was taken over by a Spanish renewable giant.
• Snow Town wind farm was taken over by private equity.

GNX key projects are:

• Kidston Solar Project – This has a long term ( 30 years) power agreement with the Queensland government, giving GNX secure and stable returns over the period of this contract.
• The Jewel in the crown – Kidston pumped storage Hydro Project

There is huge demand for this type of investment

The Kidston Hydro project gives GNX a lot of flexibility.

• When the demand or prices for electricity are low, GNX has the ability to pump water uphill and store it like a battery
• When demand or prices are high GNX has the ability to release the water downhill and create electricity.

The following funding Investments / agreements mitigate a significant portion of the funding risk for a large project like this.

• J Power has agreed to invest $25 million to gain exposure to this project
• GNX will sell down of 50% of the project to an equity partner.
• NAIF have provided a $600 mill long term loan for this project
• ARENA will also front up $40 mill for this project

Key Risks

• Genex has signed a long dated take off agreement with Energy Australia who will also be responsible for operating this asset.
• Energy Australia in turn has entered into a long-term rental contract with Genex, which helped secure the long term from NAIF.
• Despite all this, cost over runs remains a concern going forward for a project of this size.

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