
Australia…One Hour In…ASX down 7 points

ASX200 down 7 points (0.1%) to 6677. Qantas (-1.4%); International flights could be back on the cards from mid-2021 with Qantas opening bookings in July.

ASX200 down 7 points (0.1%) to 6677


In the UK, PM Boris Johnson announced that England must go back into a national lockdown. The new variant of C-19 is 50% to 70% more transmittable. He hopes to move out of lockdown and reopen schools by February.

In Canberra, the PM, Scott Morrison, has said that the Australian economy needs to be weaned off government support to ensure there is a business-led recovery.  He said JobKeeper  was always going to be “temporary, targeted and proportionate” allowing workers to get through the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, which sent Australia into recession.   “The economy is regearing … it’s finding its own feet again,”.    He compared the economic recovery to a hospital.   “It’s like coming out of the ICU and into the ward and then becoming an outpatient.”


  • Cimic (-1.8%); names Emilio Grande as CFO.   Previously CFO at UGL.
  • Nick Scali (+8.3%); expects 1H profit to double on pcp.  Sales order book at all time high at end-1H.
  • Qantas (-1.4%); International flights could be back on the cards from mid-2021 with Qantas opening bookings in July.     London, New York, Wuhan….anyone?
  • Ramelius (+5.5%); Dec Q update.   Market likes it…….
  • Santos (-1%); said it has made a final investment decision on a US$235m program to tap more gas and liquids resources within its Bayu-Undan field offshore East Timor.


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