Ausmon Resources Limited (AOA) has announced encouraging preliminary results from a pXRF scan of samples taken from reverse circulation (RC) hole 24EBRC001 at the East Borehole Prospect within EL 9220 Enmore, near Broken Hill, NSW. The hole, drilled in June 2024 to a depth of 192m, encountered drilling difficulties, preventing it from reaching the target depth of 275m. The analysis revealed rhythmic layering of Cues Formation, metasedimentary composite gneiss, and quartz+iron oxide+/-sulphide granular rocks in the upper 70m, transitioning to alternating layers of amphibolite granulite gneiss, sheared biotite schist, and metasedimentary composite gneiss deeper downhole.
Significant base metal intersections were identified, including 6,196ppm Zinc at 16m-17m, 425ppm Lead at 34m-35m, 1,841ppm Zinc + 395ppm Copper at 76m-77m, and 359ppm Copper at 187m. The elevated zinc geochemistry is particularly encouraging, suggesting the potential presence of base metal sulphides at depth.
In response to these results, Ausmon plans to resume drilling with a revised strategy. The company intends to drill a new location to twin 24EBRC001, employing an RC pre-collar to 150m followed by a diamond tail to ensure intersection of the IP Conductivity Target at 275m. The originally planned second hole, 24EBRC002, will also be drilled using the same method. Tenders from drillers have been requested, with the program expected to commence in the next quarter.
The East Borehole Prospect targets a chargeability zone at the contact between the Cues Formation and Redan Gneiss, identified in a 2023 Induced Polarisation survey. Drilling was halted in June 2024 due to downhole instability. Ausmon confirms no new information materially affects previously released data.