Weekly ETF Market Monitor

By Kris Walesby | More Articles by Kris Walesby

Global equities mostly dipped last week on escalating tensions surrounding North Korea. The S&P/ASX 200 started the week strongly, before pulling back to end the week up 0.5%. The S&P 500 declined 1.1%, the EURO STOXX 50 dropped 1.4% and the Nikkei 225 dropped 1.8%. Gold miners (GDX and MNRS) and Australian property (SLF, MVA and VAP) ETFs were the top performing funds for the week. US mid/small cap (IJH, IHJR, IRU and VTS) and Japanese equity funds (HJPN) were the poorest performers.

The Australian dollar gained 1.1%, edging back towards US 76c and the Japanese yen gained over 2.2% against the US dollar.

Gold and WTI crude gained 1.4% and 1.8% respectively in response to heightened geo-political concerns.

The Australian ETF market saw inflows of A$25m and outflows of A$32m from domestically domiciled ETFs. The largest inflows were into broad-based Australian and US equity funds (STW, IHVV and NDQ), while the largest outflows were from Australian high interest cash (AAA), domestic strategy ETFs and Australian property funds.

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About Kris Walesby

Kris Walesby is the Sydney-based Head of ANZ ETFS Management (AUS) Limited (‘ANZ ETFS’), the joint venture between Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (‘ANZ’) and ETF Securities.

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