Next Week At A Glance

The US jobs report for August is due out tonight but as to whether a better than expected result – in line with last night’s private-sector jobs surprise – will sway the Fed is unclear. It is more likely the FOMC will cut this month regardless, given wider global issues, one of those being trade.

So whether good news will be bad news or goods news and vice versa is unclear.

Next week the US will see data for US inflation and retail sales. See above.

China will also provide inflation numbers.

Perhaps the most important event next week, other than whatever the latest instalment in the long-running British sit-com might be, is the ECB policy meeting. Draghi has been flagging action for some time. Will he provide some farewell stimulus, or leave it to Christine Lagarde, who takes over in November?

Locally we’ll see housing finance data and the NAB business and Westpac consumer confidence surveys.

On the local market it’s another big week for ex-dividends, including a sizeable handout from CSL ((CSL)) on Tuesday.

About Greg Peel

Greg Peel joined Macquarie Bank in 1986 and acquired trading experience in equities, currency, fixed income and commodities derivatives, ultimately being appointed director of equity derivatives trading. He later published In With The Smart Money (a plain English guide to the mysterious world of financial markets and derivatives) and acted as a consultant to boutique investment funds. In 2004 Greg joined FNArena as a contributing writer. He is now a director and principal of the company. Greg compliments the journalistic background of the FNArena team with lengthy experience as a financial markets proprietary trader.

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