VGI Partners Global Investments Limited (VG1) delivered a strong March result with a pre-tax NTA and share price return of 1.4% and 2.7%, respectively. VG1 entered the month with a 72% net equity exposure, predominately weighted towards the United States. The cash weighting of the portfolio rose from 28% to 55% over the month. A weakening AUD against the USD added a 4.8% return to the portfolio. The comparative portfolio underperformance against the MSCI World Net TR Index (A$) over the previous 12 months was recovered after the strong month.
Average discount widens out to 13% in March
Using the LIC/LITs included in the Bell Potter coverage, the average discount to NTA/NAV widened out to 13% in March. The widest it has been since March 2012.
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