Kohler’s Charts – Key RBA Forecasts

The RBA put out its six-monthly Statement on Monetary Policy today. Basically it’s saying that economic growth might go up (to 3.5%), or it might go down (to 2.5%), and inflation might stay the same, at 1.5%, or it might go up to 2.5%. In other words, our economic leaders at the central bank haven’t really got a clue; things could go either way from here. Nothing wrong with that, and in fact it’s always the case. When it comes to economic forecasts, the only people telling the truth are those who say they don’t know.

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Kohler’s Charts – Ardent Leisure

The big business story of the week has also been the biggest non-business story – the tragedy at Dreamworld, which is owned by listed company Ardent Leisure. Its share price crashed, and the company’s board and management provided a useful lesson in how NOT to manage a crisis, among other things by going ahead with a vote at Thursday AGM on bonuses for the CEO, Deborah Thomas.

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