Japanese Recession Worse Than Thought

Japan heads into its snap election this Sunday with the economy in a deeper recession than previously thought – but don’t tell voters who will overwhelmingly re-elect Prime Minister Abe; or the stockmarket, which regained the 18,000 point mark yesterday for the first time since the middle of 2007.

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G8 Education Lifts Dividend

And contrasting with Vocation’s self-inflicted woes, was the much awaited trading update from childcare operator (the other end of the education chain from Vocation, if you think about it) G8 Education (GEM) which told the ASX yesterday it will increase the quarterly dividend to be paid in January of next year and has told investors audited earnings for the financial year to 31 December are expected to exceed the average broker forecasts.

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GDP Disappointing Not Disastrous

The dollar fell, then recovered a little, the stockmarket powered on in its second day of gains and news that the Australian economy grew at a sluggish 0.3% in the September quarter seasonally adjusted, seemed to excite the media and the politicians more than anyone else yesterday.

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Oil At $50 Barrel In 2015

The head of Russian oil group, Rosneft reckons global oil prices will drop under $US60 a barrel in early 2015 – the way prices are going it could happen before the end of this year – but there will be an awful lot of nervous oil company boards, managements and shareholders hoping that doesn’t happen – especially in the buoyant US shale oil sector.

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