June CPI Up, RBA Not Alarmed

Well, with the frothing and fretting about inflation after yesterday’s June quarter Consumer Price Index data, there’s one forecast that can be easily made about inflation – that one is that there will be a sharp fall in the next CPI for the current September quarter.

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Murdoch Will Have To Risk Control To Win Time Warner

If Rupert Murdoch wants to cap his career as a media mogul by grabbing control of rival Time Warner, he will have to bet the company, including the family’s control over it, to succeed. Time Warner has rejected the $US80 billion cash and shares offer from Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox because the equity on offer from Fox consists of non-voting A class shares – the ones the Murdoch family have all but rejected.

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Liberty Global Acquires ITV Stake

Buried by all the hoo-ha about Rupert Murdoch’s $US80 billion bid for Time Warner was a smaller, but just as significant move in Britain overnight by US cable mogul, and Murdoch nemesis, John Malone, who is the only person to have taken Murdoch to the cleaners in an $US11 billion bit of greenmail in late 2006.

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Super The Big Issue In Financial Inquiry

The interim report of the Financial Inquiry headed by former Commonwealth Bank chief, David Murray, has given the Australian financial system a big tick, with no significant changes suggested for the structure and nature of the system, but one theme comes in for special and extensive comment and calls for more advice – the three interlinked areas of superannuation, retirement incomes policies and financial advice.

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