The Week Ahead

Rather than the economy, Australian corporate earnings dominate the week ahead (see accompanying story) with the likes of BHP Billiton, Coca Cola Amatil, the NAB, Wesfarmers, Seven West Media, Brambles, AMP and Amcor leading the way.

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Newsflow, Data Show Economic Rebound

More evidence that the Australian economy is starting to do better than forecast by the Federal Government and many private economists with a solid finish to 2013 for home lending, another rise in house prices, a fall in bad debts at the ANZ bank and another upbeat report on business conditions from the NAB’s monthly survey for January.

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Print Weighs On News Corp Profit

The strong result we reported this week from REA Group, 62% owned by News Corp, plus a full three months contribution from Fox Sports Australia, helped turn the December quarter results for Rupert Murdoch’s other company from a nasty slide, into a merely hiccup caused mostly by another poor quarter for the group’s struggling Australian newspapers.

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21st Century Fox Still Missing The Mark

The first year as a company without its newspapers is proving to be a bit more difficult financially than it seemed a year ago, according to the second quarter and first half financial report from Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox. Higher costs and spending on new cable networks in the US and Asia and weak returns from the company’s movie and US free to air TV businesses, have forced management into lowering a profit guidance for the full year.

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AUD Shorts Caught By RBA Move

Don’t take the rise in the value of the Aussie dollar in the past day or so as anything more than a market-driven correction as a bunch of smarty pants speculators trying to save their bets against the currency in the face of Tuesday’s major change in policy from the Reserve Bank.

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