Summers’ Exit Boosts Markets

The local market hit new five year highs yesterday and the Aussie dollar scampered back over the 93 USc level and almost reached 94c after senior US economist and policymaker Larry Summers ruled himself out of the race to replace Ben Bernnake as head of the US Federal Reserve from early 2014.

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Gold Under Pressure

Gold prices are under pressure as the market wonders what will happen to the price of the precious metal after next week’s two day meeting of the US Federal Reserve which is expected to start reducing its current round of quantitative easing.

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Goodman Fielder On The Way Back, Resumes Dividends

Struggling food group, Goodman Fielder (GFF) should no longer be described as being ‘struggling‘ as the 2012-13 result reveals a company that is now well into a recovery phase with improving prospects, which is a long way from the way it looked a couple of years ago as it faced tough trading conditions, aggressive retailing customers and high raw material costs, not to mention the pressure of the high Australian dollar.

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Downer Back On Track

A reborn company in Downer EDI (DOW) yesterday with a strong rise in profit, but it faces more woes in the year ahead in its mining services business, and not the usual headaches usually found in its rail contract to supply Waratah passenger train sets to the Sydney suburban system.

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Local Market Shrugs Off News, Data Flow

Markets are going to have another solid week, as they shrug off weak economic data, political fears and slowing economies in markets such as China, India and Brazil. But Europe is slowly recovering, the US is doing OK, but will probably do better in coming months and the Japanese economy now seems to be rebounding fairly strongly.

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The Week Ahead

Apart from the RBA decision and the slew of economic data (see separate story), the week ahead for the local market will be dominated by the step up of Australian June 30 reporting companies releasing the annual results.

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What Our TV Networks Are Not Doing To Survive

It’s a truism for all the consultants and other experts from media studies who know all there is to know about that the future for TV and the digital world that ‘content is king‘. It is also a truism that free to air TV is dying and will be killed by the internet and the likes of Google and Apple, Netflix and their fleet of apps and gizmos.

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