BHP’s Records

Eight successive half year record profits in a row, capped by the latest which pushed the annual result of the world's biggest miner up 35% to $US13.7 billion (or $A16.27 billion at yesterday's exchange rate of 80.24 USc for the Australian dollar).

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Good News From Qantas

Without all the subprime fear and the crunching happening in financial markets, the Qantas result should have produced a flood of 'we told you sos' directed at the board and management of the airline, especially from a couple of fund managers who went out on a limb in their early opposition to the $11.1 billion buyout from the Macquarie Bank-led private equity mob.

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Biotech; Mad Or Bad?

Perhaps the first time the world realised that the stuff of science fiction had a human dimension with genuine possibilities was in January 1998 when a Chicago physicist, Dr Richard Seed announced that he would clone a human being.

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A Nasty Day

The dollar plunged, and plunged, and its New Zealand counterpart went the same way. For a couple of hours our market and some in Asia went the same way, and yet when it was all over, the loss on the day was only just over 1%.

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RAMS Shakes Market

For all the fear and loathing there was yesterday in the wake of the announcement by newly-listed mortgage group, Rams, that its earnings would be materially impacted by the subprime mess in the US, its been obvious for quite a while that there was an impact here.

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What The RBA Said

The Reserve Bank's open-ended warning on interest rates breathed life into the Australian dollar, boosting it past the 85 USc mark as the punters and other speculators climbed back in the saddle after last week's nasty fall.

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