Markets Shudder

The sell-off continues in world markets. Shares, commodities, corporate bonds (except for Government bonds) are all down, with the huge US Treasury market rallying as investors continued to seek a safe haven.

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Alesco’s Big Switch

Building products and services group, Alesco Corporation, is set make its biggest diversification yet, with the $250 million purchase of Total Eden McCracken's water management business from the AMP and a group of investors and management.

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More Building Gloom

In news that won't be greeted warmly in the boardrooms of home building companies, non-residential constructors or among home renters, a leading forecaster says there will be a further decline in activity over the year.

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Santos Loves LNG

Santos is not letting grass grow near any of its plans. The company is a hive of activity, no doubt stimulated by the impending completion of the review of the 15 per cent ownership cap by the South Australian Government.

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$A Bites Iluka

Yesterday, the Australian dollar was trading around 18-year highs for the second time so far this week, and you can imagine the pain and horror many mining companies feel as they watch the currency appreciate.

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