Stephen Koukoulas – Jobs Data

Speaking of a muddling economy, next week sees the release of the all-important monthly labour force data. While the monthly numbers on employment are notoriously volatile, they will be a vital update on the lay of the economic land. With the economy yet to get sustained traction towards stronger growth, the readings for full time and part time jobs plus unemployment will be vital to judgments of just how strong (weak) the economy really is.

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Stephen Koukoulas – Capex Data

The big news next week is the release of private sector business investment data. Since the peak in 2011, business investment has been in free-fall, driven by the end of the mining investment boom. That said, even non-mining investment has been disappointing with zero growth in recent years. As a share of GDP, business investment has fallen from a peak of 19 per cent to 13 per cent and is likely to fall further before finding a floor.

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Stephen Koukoulas – Employment Data

How strong is the labour market? Next week sees a further update on the data for full-time and part-time employment, unemployment, underemployment and workforce participation. Each of these sub-sets of the labour force data provides arguably the most important news on just how strong the economy really is. The RBA never adjusts interest rates without some reference to the health of labour market conditions.

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