An introduction to utilities

Regulated utilities are known for their ability to generate predictable returns regardless of market conditions. For this reason, we often describe utility stocks as the ‘lead in the keel’ of our infrastructure portfolios. They allow us to navigate volatile global equity markets with confidence.

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Investing in Toll Roads

While we tend to think of toll roads as a recent phenomenon, they have been around for
thousands of years. Toll roads today are a popular way for cash-strapped governments
to raise money and improve the quality of, and reduce the congestion on road networks.
Given the huge capital costs (toll roads often cost billions of dollars to build), for most
investors the listed market is the only way to gain access to these assets.

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Investing in Rail

Railroads provide a basic, but critical role for any developed society – they facilitate the
connection between producers and consumers of essential goods and support a large section
of the economy. The North American rail industry represents one of the world’s oldest and
largest collections of transport infrastructure.

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Sempra’s Innovative Infrastructure Journey

In this episode of Magellan in the Know, Portfolio Manager Jowell Amores discusses Jeff Martin’s personal journey it’s imprints on Sempra’s culture, and how he’s developed this major company into an investment with bond-like stability and tremendous compounding growth. Jeff Martin offers profound insights into why Sempra is not just an energy leader, but a smart investment choice.

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Investing in Airports

Today, airports around the world collectively cater for over four billion passengers annually, with growth driven by improvements in technology, the expansion of low-cost carriers and globalisation. For most investors, the listed market is the only way to gain access to airport infrastructure that has underpinned this growth.

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