IPO floodgates open

Australian small cap investors have an unprecedented opportunity to gain exposure to new company floats, according to small companies specialist OC Funds Management (OC). At its September investor briefing, OC Head of Investments Rob Frost highlighted that the concentration of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) seeking to list in the final stretch of 2020 was probably the highest he has witnessed in his nearly 20 years at OC.

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When markets diverge from fundamentals, look for quality income

While the disconnect between markets and the real economy has widened further, there is no guarantee that it will narrow, especially with central banks acting as the buyer of last resort. Yet the risk of an extended run of corporate insolvencies remains. In this environment, high-quality income generation is the key, together with the flexibility to move quickly as new opportunities and threats emerge.

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Speculative Market In Growth Stocks Gives Cause For Concern

Markets have rebounded strongly from their March lows, despite entering one of the deepest economic downturns in history. But that’s not the whole story. There are two very different markets – a speculative market in ‘growth’ stocks and ‘the rest’. With 30+ years’ investment experience, CEO and CIO, Andrew Clifford explains why he believes there is a need for caution.

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