Aldersley On Linc, Kingsgate

I was a little premature recommending Kingsgate at $1.80 in May. It plummeted to $1.26 briefly at the end of June as panic set in about the gold price. Nearly every global broker has since downgraded their target for gold to about $1100 or below. Just in time as it happens for the seasonal rally in July that usually occurs. Today we have seen gold get back over $1300 and it would not surprise me if gold rallied towards $1500 this month in a sudden spike. The reason is despite levies on gold buying by Indian nationals, both Chinese and Indian demand for gold spikes about this time of year ahead of the wedding season.

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Dark Pools & Politicians

I dragged out the soapbox not too long ago to highlight some of the hypocrisy and ignorance surrounding algorithmic trading, and particularly high frequency trading. Today, it’s time to shine the light on dark pools. While we’re at it, it seems a good time to look at the real responsibility politicians hold for economic outcomes.

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Update on BHP

My first effort at seeking the bottom in BHP had mixed results. I did get a good bounce to just over $34, but the momentum subsided and the stock retreated again. The Boston explosions and premature comments by our government spokesman that it was probably by “terrorists” (why not simply condemn an act of terror?) didn’t help our open yesterday and the BHPKME were stopped out when the stock touched $31.26 momentarily before closing at $32.15.

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High Frequency Rubbish

Over the past year many market participants and commentators have railed against “Algorithmic Trading” (AT) and “High Frequency Trading” (HFT). Organisations using these trading methods are accused of at best, taking an unfair advantage, and in some cases, outright illegal behaviour. Unfortunately, most of these comments betray astounding ignorance, breath-taking chutzpah, or both.

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