
Avira Resources Limited

Governance of Avira Resources Limited’s mineral resource development is a key responsibility of the Executive Management of the Company.

Avira’s governance involves engaging independent experts in resource review and calculation.

For this resource review Veronica Webster Pty Ltd conducted a full review of Avira’s resource inventory to assure compliance with the updated JORC code.

Resources are reported based on compliance with this external standard; the Australian Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) Codes, 2004 Edition and 2012 Edition.

Exploration work is overseen by independent consulting Geologists from Cicero Corporate Services  and Terra Search Pty Ltd.

Within Avira’s structure the Executive Director oversees the reviews and evaluations and are responsible for monitoring exploration and resource development.

These activities are conducted within a framework of quality assurance and quality control, with appropriate practices engaged at all stages.

Internal assessment of data veracity is managed by the Cicero and Terra Search Pty Ltd.

Competent Persons named by Avira Resources Ltd are members of the Australian Institute of Geologists and/or the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and qualify as Competent Persons as defined in the JORC Code.

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