
Hexima Limited.

Hexima is a biotechnology company actively engaged in the research and development of plant-derived proteins and peptides for applications as human therapeutics. Its lead drug candidate, HXP124, is in a phase IIb clinical trial for the treatment of fungal toenail infections (onychomycosis).

Hexima was formed in 1998, following the discovery by its founding scientists, Professor Adrienne Clarke AC, Professor Marilyn Anderson and Dr Robyn Heath at The University of Melbourne, of certain molecules involved in the protection of the female stigma of plants, from insect predation. In 2006, Hexima also acquired intellectual property rights from La Trobe University relating to a discovery by Professor Marilyn Anderson of a molecule from ornamental tobacco with potent antifungal activity.

Hexima continued to develop these technologies funded via a combination of equity funding from a small group of private investors and grant monies from both the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments. In 2007, the company raised $40M through an Initial Public Offering and listed on the ASX. The Company delisted from the ASX on 17 June 2011 following approval by a General Meeting of shareholders.

Hexima continues to conduct the majority of its research under contract with La Trobe University. Through this contract scientists have access to specialist analytical equipment as well as general laboratory, tissue culture and glasshouse facilities. Intellectual property generated by the scientific team arising from research conducted under these contracts becomes the property of Hexima.

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