
Painchek Ltd

PainChek® is the world’s first regulatory-cleared medical device for the assessment of pain, enabling bestpractice pain management for people living with pain in any environment, from those who cannot reliably self-report their pain, those who can, and for those whose ability to self-report their pain fluctuates.

The PainChek® app is available on smartphones and tablets and combines PainChek’s AI pain assessment tool, which intelligently automates the multidimensional pain assessment process, with the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). This hybrid functionality allows accurate, consistent pain assessment at the point of care, and for care to be considered in PainChek’s detailed reporting suite, PainChek® Analytics.

Globally, PainChek® has attained regulatory clearance as a medical device in Australia, Canada, the European Union, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom, with FDA review in the United States currently in progress. PainChek® has contracts with over 1,000 aged care facilities, with more than 5,000,000 digital pain assessments conducted to date, and is trusted by thousands of nurses, carers, and clinicians.

Using PainChek®, facilities can:

  • Ensure greater consistency, continuity, and diagnostic certainty in pain assessment and management by decreasing subjectivity and removing unintentional assessor bias
  • Streamline the pain assessment process for time-poor carers, with access to the PainChek® tool, the NRS, pain trends, and charting in one solution
  • Simplify record-keeping and documentation to demonstrate compliance and support funding claims, with all historical pain assessment data in one place
  • Enhance engagement with GPs and allied healthcare professionals

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