
Xantippe Resources Limited

Xantippe Resources is an ASX-listed gold explorer which has amassed 22 tenements covering a total landholding of approximately 76km2 in the Southern Cross greenstone belt. The region has historically produced around 15Moz gold.

The Southern Cross Project is located 380km east of Perth, southeast of Southern Cross in the Yilgarn Goldfield.

The project comprises 20 Prospecting Licences and 2 Exploration Licences with a combined area of around 76 km2, over contiguous tenements cover around 30km of strike of the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt, which has historically produced around 15Moz gold, predominantly from the Marvel Loch and Southern Cross centres, both of which are in operation to varying extents.

The project area is serviced by sealed roads, grid power, scheme water, rail and town amenities.

Minjar operates the Marvel Loch plant nearby and Ramelius Resources operates the Edna May facility some 60 kilometres to the west.

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