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Confession Season Looms

The next few weeks will see an outbreak of ‘earnings honesty’ as companies large and small try to soften the blow to investor confidence from lower revenue growth, weak or lower earnings and lower or stalled dividends, as well as big asset impairments in the energy and mining sectors, and in other sectors, such as the broadcast and print media and perhaps retailing.

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New Liquidity Costs Loom For The Big Four Banks

As our banks head into 2015, they have a new cost investors might not be aware of – more than $400 million a year for what’s effectively an insurance premium charged by the Reserve Bank as part of a unique liquidity backstop for the banks and the financial system in the event of a repeat of funding freeze seen in the GFC in the last quarter of 2008.

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Santa Yellen Boosts Markets A Second Day

The Janet Yellen-inspired Santa Rally on world stockmarkets continues. Remember how markets, led by Wall Street swooned and fretted at every mention of the US Federal Reserve slowing its huge easing program – Taper Tantrums was the description given by nervy investors, frightened the central bank would be taking the punch bowl away.

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Top Picks 2014

It’s a tough business, making share calls, especially in a difficult sharemarket for small to mid-cap stocks. The less said about the likes of Vocation, Titan Energy Services, NewSat or SmartPay the better. But it would be a truly rotten market is nothing was going for you – and I have had some ‘hits’ this year. Here are the highlights.

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