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Rio Again Defiant On BHP Bid

Rio Tinto continues to hold out on BHP Billiton’s predatory ambitions and wants shareholders at the annual meetings next month of the Plc company in London and the Australian company in Brisbane to approve special resolutions extending a possible share buyback for another year, even though that is one of the conditions in the BHP bid that could see it terminated.

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Tuesday night’s meeting of the US Federal Reserve was shaping up as the major factor to keep an eye on this week but Friday’s bailout of Bear Stearns, the 5th biggest investment bank, has changed that.

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The Inexorable Rise Of Oil

There have been some interesting developments occurring in the resources sector recently. Despite fears about US economic growth and whether the country has entered recession, many commodity prices continue to make all-time highs. Two in particular, gold and oil, have been gaining most of the headlines.

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The Bear Tightens Its Grip

Make no mistake, we are in the grip of a vicious bear market. In bear markets, investors can do one of two things. Succumb to fear and ‘get out’; or be very careful, preserve capital as best they can, and be ready to take advantage of the attractive stock prices that bear markets inevitably produce.

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Eco 2: More Pain To Come

The Fed’s latest move to combat the credit crunch has set off a short-covering rally in share markets, although so far it’s looking rather shaky. Yesterday it turned into another bear trap here with a savage day on the market with a 2%-plus fall.

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With its early and surprisingly bullish market update out of the way last week, fertiliser maker Incitec Pivot turned to unfinished business yesterday, revealing plans to buy explosives maker Dyno Nobel for $3.3 billion in a cash and shares offer that will be done via a scheme of arrangement.

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Malaysia’s New Day

After the general election at the weekend, Malaysia is now in uncharted territory, with the government facing real opposition for the first time since 1969, when the National Front was denied a two-thirds supermajority in parliament.

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