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Today will be rough in Australia and the rest of the week is likely to be just as uncomfortable for markets around the world on the back of figures from the US, Japanese and Chinese economies on growth, inflation and other key indicators, and more rumours of problems with the creditworthiness of major companies and financial groups.

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Investors Get More Reassurance From BNB

After dismissing rumours on Friday that it would be forced to sell some of its holdings, investment firm Babcock and Brown (BNB) further reassured investors today after it said it has retired more than $250 million of short-term margin loans from existing resources and received commitments for new term finance.

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US Housing-Banks Deal?

Bankruptcies in the US rose by almost 30% last month; people in the housing foreclosure process were 97% above January 2007, jingle mail is no longer someone making a poor Christmas joke: it’s the sound of letters being delivered to American banks with home keys inside after people have walked away rather than stay and watch the value of their houses, units, flats, etc drop any further.

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IPL’s Boom

Yes, we know the drought has had a dramatic impact on rural and regional Australia’s farmers, towns, cities and companies, but a combination of surging world prices and a possibly better season this year has seen the country’s biggest fertilizer maker, Incitec Pivot forecast a more than doubling in pre tax earnings for the year to September 30.

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RBA Decision Explained

Unlike the statement after the February 5 meeting, which was followed up by the hawkish Statement of Monetary Policy and then the release of the February 5 meeting’s minutes, yesterday’s statement didn’t push the RBA’s stance any further.

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Commodity Boom Back

First there was the surprise boost to estimates for new private capital spending for 2008-09, now we’ve got confirmation that national income (measured by the terms of trade) is going to rise to record levels over the 18 months, thanks to a renewed surge in export revenues from our resources boom.

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