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DJS Sales Surge

Another reason perhaps for the RBA wiping its brow and saying 'whew we got the rise in just in time', can be found in the confirmed fourth quarter sales figures from leading department store retailer, David Jones.

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PRY: What About Symbion?

Forget the reasonable profit result – all media and analysts wanted to know from Primary Healthcare and its major shareholder and CEO, Dr Ed Bateman – was ‘what about Symbion?' And all the company had to say was summed up in a slide in its presentation.

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Behind The Air Fares War

There is a war going on at the moment, and it's one you may or may not be aware of. We don't mean the war on Iraq. It isn't the Labor war against John Howard, or John Howard's attacks on Kevin Rudd. Why, we aren't even referring to the new war against smoking…

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RIO Misses Mark

Not the most positive start to the 2007 earnings season with mining giant Rio Tinto revealing a disappointing 14.3% drop in first half net profit, thanks to higher cost pressures and lower returns from copper and coal.

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LEI Stalks MAH

Back in March, in a little-noticed interview on margin enhancement and growth, the retiring CFO and deputy CEO of Leighton Holdings, Dieter Adamsas, had this to say about expansion and growth, especially of new contracts:

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Markets Shudder

The sell-off continues in world markets. Shares, commodities, corporate bonds (except for Government bonds) are all down, with the huge US Treasury market rallying as investors continued to seek a safe haven.

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