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View From The Top Of The Market

Mountain peaks challenge the endurance, courage and skill of climbers. A celebration at reaching the top of a mountain – or perhaps more appropriately when you get safely back down – is both understandable and well-earned. But the sense of anticipation and celebration when a sharemarket index is within sight of or hits a new peak is a little harder to fathom.

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SMSFs: Looking To The Future – Realistically

Understandably, trustees of new self-managed super funds are typically full of optimism about what can be achieved. It’s human nature. Yet while investors are extremely enthusiastic about establishing self-managed super funds, statistics suggest they are less enthusiastic about closing them down even if their circumstances change.

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Friday At The Open

US sharemarkets fell sharply on Thursday. The decline in Apple shares resulted in the Nasdaq falling for a fourth straight day. Apple fell 2.7% after the company limited the availability of the Apple watch after a key component was found to be defect.

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New Car Sales At Record Highs – Who’s Doing All The Selling?

Running a proprietary trading desk it is very important that we produce consistent returns on a monthly basis while managing drawdowns and risk. Unlike fund managers with billions under management that run a large portfolio of stocks over the long-term, our focus is significantly more immediate – we just don’t have the luxury of investing millions of dollars and waiting months or years for a return. We need to rewarded within days and weeks otherwise our funds are being wasted. So our focus is not just on finding a great opportunity but timing that great opportunity as well. And in that process we often discover hidden gems. Rarely are they actually penny stocks.

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