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Mining Action Steps Up

Corporate activity in the upper levels of the global mining market continues to rise with London reports over the weekend suggesting that Brazil's CVRD (Companhia Vale do Rio) had started looking at the aggressively expanding Anglo-Swiss Group, Xstrata.

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CFI Acquisition Finalised

The acquisition of Colonial First State Private Capital Limited (CFI) has moved towards completion after it said today the Federal Court of Australia made orders approving the Scheme of Arrangement by which Sunsuper will acquire all of the CFI Shares on issue for 79.8 cents per CFI share.

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RBA’s Red Letter Week

It's been a big week for the Reserve Bank, from improving the information flow to the market, investors, home owners ands others about interest rate decisions themselves, the reasons and publishing the minutes of board meetings, to reaching a new agreement with the Government on independence.

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