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OXR-NCM In New Deals

Fresh from updating the rapid development and expansion of its Prominent Hill gold and copper mine in South Australia at a cost $1.08 billion, Oxiana yesterday revealed more modest plans to expand the copper component of its Sepon operation in Laos at a cost of around $200 million.

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Surprise Switch On Rates

Investment bank, Goldman Sachs JBWere now says there won't be a rate rise in Australia next year because of the worsening prospects for the US and world economies, the continuing upward pressure on market interest rates, and the fact that risk levels are now at or near record highs.

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Cape Lambert To Proceed With Caution

Cape Lambert Iron Ore (CFE) will proceed with caution when it comes to potential new interests in the business after $270 million sale agreement fell through earlier in the year, the business told its shareholders. Speaking at the annual general meeting today, chairman Ian Burston said the business will not take success for granted.

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