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Thumbs Down For Sigma Result

Despite its optimism, drugs maker and distributor Sigma Pharmaceuticals would probably wonder why its 2007 annual result was given a bit of a roughing up by the market yesterday.

The shares fell 8c to $2.55 despite signs the merger with Arrow Pharmaceuticals was paying off with a solid pipeline of new generic drugs, higher sales and margins and of course better profits.

Perhaps investors were taken aback by the ‘static’ in the result from the new accounting rules or perhaps the result had been well anticipated by last week’s short run up in the shares above $2.60 so some easy profits were taken.

The market overall was up by around half a per cent and the healthcare sector on the whole was better with small price rises for rivals Symbion (+1c to $3.71) and API (+6c to $2.12).

The outlook commentary seemed confident enough with SIP expecting underlying profit growth of 10 to 15 per cent for the 2007-08 financial year.

Sigma reported a full year net profit for 2006/07 of $101.8 million, which was down 2.9 per cent on the prior year but before tax earnings rose 34.1 per cent to $134.6 million, showing the impact of the Arrow merger which happened in December 2005.

According to some brokers the underlying result looked a bit short of pre-release estimates with some forecasting earnings up around the $120 million mark.

Sigma said the main reason for the decrease in net profit after tax (NPAT) was the impact of a significant item in the 2006 result.

As a result of Sigma’s merger with Arrow Pharmaceuticals, Sigma was required to restate tax values for various Sigma assets.

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A Lesson For Coles From Oroton Group

It’s on a scale much smaller than Coles, but there’s a very clear lesson from the way luxury goods retailer, Oroton group, has gone about its recovery from a near death experience last year by pursuing a determined change in strategy.

The difference in size is enormous: Oroton group is capitalised at just over $110 million with the shares hitting a new 52 week high of $2.60 yesterday, up 30c after the result, or 10 per cent.

Struggling Coles has a market cap of more than $19 billion and the shares rose yesterday on more news about the break up and sale of the company, not an interim profit that was inadequate.

It took some tough decisions at Oroton group: from selling expensively acquired brands in Aldo shoes and the clothing labels, Marcs and Morrissey, significant changes in management with long time CEO, Ross Lane stepping down and new blood appointed. But it worked with interim earnings up 52 per cent to $6.10 million and a higher dividend.

But with not having to flog discounted unwanted product from Aldo, Marcs and Morrissey, the group’s retail margin improved in the half, a sign that the right decisions were made, despite the cost of more than $25 million (based on the purchase cost of the brands).

For all the difference in size the end result now is that Oroton group is at last starting to feed off the very strong retailing conditions, especially where it operates in up-market clothing and leather goods while Coles is stuck in a rut and headed for the corporate knackery.

The incoming CEO was Sally Macdonald who said yesterday that “The comprehensive restructuring program that was announced in September 2006 is firmly on track and early results are pleasing.

“There is significant further work to be completed, and we remain committed to driving the business to its full potential with our two core brands.

“Oroton remains the clear growth driver of the business overall, with stronger profitability and untapped potential.”

She said four new stores were trading well and the company expected to open a further six in the second half while the Oroton online store was also launched in the first half and was trading above expectations.

The company said there had been ‘some wholesale channel problems’ with Oroton’s Polo Ralph Lauren business with solid earnings on the back of an unchanged 11 per cent rise in like for like sales for the half year.

In contrast the company’s old mainstay, the Oroton business, saw an impressive 21 per cent rise in like for like sales in the half and the company is expecting that to improve as the impact of discounting the disposed brands allowed more time and money to be spent on Oroton.

During the first half Oroton sold its Aldo, Marcs and Morrissey businesses, and directors said this cut 10 per cent off the continuing cost base of the company with the savings to be really felt in 2008.

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Commodities Strong

If you look at the performance of leading commodities last week then you’d be mistaken for believing that the Fed didn’t change policy last week on interest rates and inflation.

Gold was up, then down on Friday as US house sales rose more sharply than expected in February as prices fell.

Oil eased, and then rose on a combination of factors such as the level of US stocks of petroleum products and then geopolitical worries around Iran.

Nickel rose then fell as the first real flood of metal into stockpiles appeared mid week.

Copper rose, rose and rose and then eased a touch on Friday as demand from China continued to dominate thinking in the market.

And corn and wheat futures prices eased on Friday ahead of the release this week of the first estimate of the 2007 US grain plantings from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Overall the Fed’s significant policy switch was seemingly forgotten, but will be remembered again this week with a far number of important indicators due for release in the US.

But with demand from China dominating so many markets, attention is elsewhere.

For example copper rose the third week in row, with prices reaching their highest levels since December.

Stocks held by the London Metal Exchange fell for sixth week in a row last week thanks especially to imports by China, the biggest user of the metal.

China’s demand continues to underpin the market as it soaks up metal to replace the rundown in copper stocks late last year when prices rebounded after the mid year slump.

China used its own stocks to avoid paying very high prices for the metal but has now been forced back into the market to replenish its position, thereby driving up prices once again.

May Comex copper futures ended at $US 3.069 a lb after touching $US3.133, the highest price since mid-December. Copper prices gained 1.9 per cent last week after jumping 12 per cent over the previous fortnight.

Copper prices have gained 29 per cent in the past year.


Nickel suffered its biggest fall in more than six months as LME stocks continued to grow.

The metal has surged 27 per cent so far in 2007 to a succession of records and there are now suggestions that this may be forcing users to slow their purchases.

But stocks are low, even after the latest increase and all it could take is for one buyer to aggressively bid for metal on any day and prices could jump again.

The LME stocks rose 14 per cent on Friday to 4,932 metric tons, taking the week’s increase to 38 percent.

But that was after an 85 per cent fall in stocks over the past year. The actual amount of nickel in stock is still small, an estimated two days global consumption at best.

LME nickel prices fell 6.5 per cent on Friday and more than 12 per cent over the week because of the sharp rise in stocks from less than a day’s supply to around two days. Prices had surged 10 per cent the week before.

Helping drive the fall was a 36 per cent rise late last week in the amount margin traders have to put up for each six tonne lot traded on the LME.


Gold surprised with a sharp fall on Friday after looking set for further gains for most of the week.

It was the first fall in seven trading days for gold and came despite a rise in oil prices and tension in the Middle East.

The sharp rise in US home sales in February was blamed, but most traders said there were some solid profits to be had and they were taken.

April gold fell $US6.90 to $US 657.30 on Comex in New York, after rising around $US21 an ounce over the previous six trading days.

Oil prices finished 59USc higher at $US62.28 a barrel.


And wheat, corn and soybean futures were all lower ahead of the important crop planting report from the USDA this week.

There has been growing speculation that the sharp rise in corn prices over the past year, mostly driven by demand from the ethanol industry, would result in the largest corn plantings in US history.

The fear is that this in turn will cut plantings of wheat and soybeans by US farmers.

Futures markets are all nervy about the result, especially with Brazil reporting good crops and rain returning to many of the drought areas of Australia in the past month or so.

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VBA Expands Without A Fuss

How come Virgin Blue doesn’t need a private buyout group to be able to finance a $2.2 billion expansion of its international fleet like Qantas claims it needs for its fleet expansion?

Virgin has announced it plans to purchase six Boeing 777-300 extended range aircraft to operate across the Pacific, taking on Qantas.

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Aussie Rises On Rate Concerns, Yen Deals

So the Australian dollar is hovering above, at or just under the 80 US cent level, depending on the time of day in the trading cycle.

It finished above 80 USc Tuesday night and started trading around that level here today.

It’s risen to what is about its highest level in 10 years and analysts are all saying it was as a result of the low key warning on Friday by the Reserve Bank’s Deputy Governor, Malcolm Edey that some of the factors which pushed up inflation were still evident and still a concern.

Mr Edey is the RBA’s chief economist: he is the Deputy Governor, economic, and that probably makes him almost as influential as the Guv, Glenn Stevens.

That’s why his words last week were important where as a similar speech at the start of the month was not taken as seriously because they didn’t include phrases used on Friday.

This is the key phrase: “This outlook is still higher than ideal: it implies that inflation is more likely to be too high than too lower in the period we can foresee”.

It’s called jawboning, a word I’ve used many times to describe speeches by key officials in the US and here. Edey’s speech was no different.

Although it was a statement of the obvious to some in Australia, it also came as traders in the US started wondering if there was a chance of rates being cut this year, rather than left on hold.

Even though some looked at US producer and consumer price indexes last week as suggesting that inflation was returning (albeit in a small way), others looked through the figures, factored out volatile oil and food prices and said no way.

Then there’s the US housing slump and the problems in the subprime and lower levels of the prime mortgage markets which show no signs of improving. This week sees a number of key figures for the housing industry and the betting is that the problems still have a way to go before things get better.

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BOQ Deal Is Not The Start

Now for a reality check in the wake of the Bank of Queensland’s surprise move on its regional rival, Bendigo Bank.

The $2.46 billion offer is not going to herald more rationalisation in the banking industry.

Far from it, it will be a one-off deal that some big banks will look upon with amusement as a small competitor tries to get bigger by neutering its target’s business model.

If anything the BOQ offer has the potential to seriously wound both banks, if it proceeds and the execution is handled badly.

Adelaide Bank, which rose again yesterday on expectations someone would bid for it, is not the equal of BOQ or BEN, even in terms of market appeal as a merger candidate.

Its business model, being heavily dependant on mortgages and margin lending, does not lend itself to being easily integrated with the business model or any other bank in the country.

BOQ is using its inflated price earnings multiple to try and snatch control of BEN which is bigger in terms of profits and number of branches.

The savings to justify the claimed $70 million in cost cuts, will come from eliminating one back office (BEN’s), cutting advertising, marketing plus other backroom and support costs (all BEN’s). That will mean job losses in Bendigo which won’t be a good look.

There will not be any cost savings from branch closures and sales: that would be commercial suicide in a transaction which is going to be regarded with deep suspicion among BEN employees, customers and shareholders.

How the BOQ could launch a bid like this offering a huge premium, without talking to BEN management and the board, is worrying for its eventual success.

It’s as though BOQ and its advisers were scared of the reception and tried to show their generosity up front before talking: that will only encourage BEN to ask for more.

$17.92 for BEN shares is a very rich price, but what’s the price for making it friendly as against hostile: aggressive and nasty battles don’t work for bank, customers, especially depositors who still have choice.

That price is a 30 per cent premium but why should the BEN board throw in the towel now? There are plenty of ways for a skilled target to delay or defeat the inevitable, or to extract a far better price.

Could a higher price for board approval eliminate the synergies sought by BOQ and make the deal a costly exercise in self aggrandizement?

It will take a short while before the heat goes out of the banking sector (not helping was the approach by Barclays to ABN Amro which could see as $US 200 billion megabank created)

Adelaide Bank is the most obvious candidate to watch but as said before, its product manufacturing, especially in margin lending, isn’t the sort of model on which to build a successful franchise.

Suncorp (SUN) is in the throes of completing the Promina takeover. That will occupy the management team for the best part of a year.

It has just sold a very large parcel of shares to finance the Promina purchase; shareholders would not like to be approached so quickly for a banking deal that might stretch management and the balance sheet even more.

SUN CEO, John Mulchay said on Sunday his company would be interested in expanding in banking: that’s likely to be a dream for sometime to come.

St George is too big a bite now for the Big Four to justify: it would be too expensive and the ACCC and the Federal Government might have something to say, especially as we are in an election year.

St George might be on the radar for a foreigner like Citi, HSBC and Bankwest and its UK parent, but probably not given the risk of investing billions of dollars here when there’s growth to be had in China, India and in Eastern Europe

Finally the BOQ might have to issue up to $600 million in shares to pay the cash component of its offer (that’s the difference roughly between the valuation of BEN before and after the bid).

That implies an increase of a third in the issued shares: that will need shareholder approval, unless some form quasi equity is involved.

The real winners may well be the Big Four plus St George. They don’t have to do a thing; they don’t have to waste money on bids or on working up alternate strategies.

The $4 billion combined BOQ/BEN would still be too small to worry the Big Four plus one and they might just get some new customers if the takeover is handled badly.

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Watch TEL In The HTA Recap

It will be ironic if the actions of Telecom New Zealand end up being the difference between Hutchison Telecommunications Australia remaining with a solid rump of independent shareholders, or an almost wholly-owned subsidiary of its Hong Kong parent, Hutchison Whampoa.

Anyone with shares in HTA and wondering about whether to avail themselves of the offer of convertible prefs announced on Monday, should watch what TEL does.

TEL has a 19.9 per cent stake in HTA subsidiary Hutchison 3G Australia (H3GA) which is underwater. It was taken up when it did a deal with HTA on the new generation of digital mobile communications.

It’s though this subsidiary will also be recapitalised in the wake of the recapitalisation of HTA.

Analysts yesterday estimated that it would cost TEL $300 million to maintain its stake which would in effect be a vote in the future of HTA and 3G mobile in Australia (for AAPT, TEL’s Australian arm)

The $2.85 billion recap was announced Monday and pitched as a move to enable HTA pay down debt and speed up its push toward profitability. The company said debt would be slashed by well over $2 billion to $1.1 billion and interest costs would be cut by hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

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HTA’s Big Refunding

In terms of the dollar amount it was a big deal, in terms of the level of support, it was pretty interesting but that’s all you can say about the news yesterday that the heavily indebted mobile phone group, Hutchison Telecommunications (Australia) Ltd, plans to raise up to $2.85 billion in new equity to slash its crushing debt burden.

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Early Days For Bank Bid

From the market’s point of view there’s only one group of winners from the surprise move by Bank of Queensland on fellow regional bank, Bendigo Bank.

It’s the shareholders in the Victorian regional bank which has pioneered the community bank idea in this country to solid success.

Bendigo shares (BEN) finished $3.84 higher at $17.05 yesterday after rising as high as $17.50, a huge rise of $4.29 on its close last Friday of $13.21. Volume was a high 2.2 million shares.

In contrast the Bank of Queensland finished 1c lower at $16.59. The shares had a low for the day of $16.46, so the small recovery towards the end of trading should be seen positively. Turnover was light, just half a million shares.

So initial reactions put the deal firmly in favour of BEN shareholders and indicate some scepticism about the economics from the deal, as structured by the Bank of Qld.

It also raises the question what would happen if Bendigo Bank launched a counter offer.

The offer values Bendigo at $2.46 billion, compared to the market cap last Friday of just over $1.8 billion. The combined banks will have a value of around $4 billion.

BOQ will offer $5.50 cash and 0.748 of its shares for each Bendigo share. It will make a placement to help fund the purchase.

BOQ shares have risen faster than BEN’s over the past year and its price earning ratio of 17 times is higher than BEN’s 15, hence the use of shares in the bid.

But the outperformance is based on expectations, not actual earnings and its the franchise model of BOQ which is quite trendy these days among brokers and banking consultants. BOQ is based in faster growing Queensland.

In contrast BEN’s ultra regional, community bank system isn’t popular with analysts and consultants, hence the downgrading of its shares.

The mechanics of the deal are similar to the move by fellow Queensland financial services group, Suncorp, to buy insurer, Promina with a combination of paper and cash and a big issue to raise the cash component.

That was a much larger deal than this aggressive move out of Queensland.

At the close yesterday the offer valued BEN shares at $17.90, BEN shares closed 85c down on that, as investors await the reaction of the BEN board.

It has to be a friendly deal even though BOQ made the approach without any prior discussions.

A key sticking point will be the future of the community banking system that Bendigo has helped seed across the country in cities, towns and suburbs of major cities.

Even though it’s a generous price there’s no certainty the BEN board will say yes until it has some assurances. These will be given, but will they last?

The bid set the shares in Adelaide Bank (ADB) running higher. It closed at $13.68, up 68c on the day.

ADB was considered to be a bit more of an obvious target.

Even though its earnings came in at the higher end of reduced guidance for the first half of 2007, there are still niggling worries about its aggressive home mortgage and margin lending business. Those concerns have kept the shares well under previous highs in recent weeks.

One pricing anomaly emerged late yesterday for BEN shareholders. BEN put out a statement that the DRP price for the interim dividend that will be paid on March 30 will be $13.40.

Those Bendigo shareholders who elect to take shares instead of cash dividends will have a nice fat profit to add to their existing holdings.

Bendigo is a slightly bigger bank in terms of profit: earning around $100 million in 2006 to the $76 million earned by the Bank of Queensland.

That is a big difference in a deal of this size and even though BOQ says there’s $70 million of synergies, the effect of the bid. If successful, will see its shareholders owning 60 per cent of the bank and running the combined operation.

The combined bank will have a value of around $4 billion. BEN is valued at $2.4 billion or thereabouts, so BOQ is valued at $1.6 billion. So how come the smaller bank gets to wag the bigger one?

That’s not quite how it should go: the more profitable bank should be the dominant partner, or it is a ‘merger of equals’.

Ratings agency Fitch though sees no problems for Bank of Queensland

It affirmed its credit ratings on Bank of Queensland Ltd (BoQ), and says the ratings outlook is positive.

“BoQ’s ratings reflect its excellent asset quality, increased revenue diversification and a growing interstate presence in Australia,” Fitch said.

“They also recognise the bank’s relatively small size and reliance on the Queensland residential mortgage market.”

Fitch has a BBB long term issue default rating on BoQ and a short term rating of F2.

Analysts say the BOQ’s franchise branch business hasn’t been the big success some thought it would be. Some franchises have been closed and it has had trouble making headway in Sydney.

And Bendigo Bank has been losing share of deposits in the past year and the community banking system is a relatively high cost business compared to the bank’s own branches.

In an irony the offer was revealed only a day after Suncorp CEO, John Mulcahy went on national TV to tell the world that the next move for his company wouldn’t be in insurance, it would be in banks.

Not many left and most are all bigger and better run than SUN!

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More Stresses For US Housing

Another series of tests for the sluggish American housing market this week which is trying to cope with lower demand, oversupply and now the crisis battering the subprime mortgage sector which is threatening to spillover into the sounder parts of the home mortgage industry.

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Kiwis Warned

Talk about being read the riot act.

If New Zealanders hadn’t got the message after last week’s interest rate rise to a new high of 7.50 per cent; and after more warnings this week after strong rises in house prices and retail sales, and a firm admonition from Finance Minister Michael Cullen, Kiwis copped a blast from New Zealand Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard.

He told a business conference yesterday that the days of easy money were over and that “exuberance” by consumers and banks (mostly Australian!) to borrow and lend had undermined his attempts to slow consumer spending and cool the overheating housing market.

Using words that recalled former Federal Reserve Governor Alan Greenspan’s 1996 comment about “irrational exuberance” in stock prices as the net and tech booms gathered pace, Bollard sent a very strong signal that he may have to increase interest rates even further consumers curtailed their current borrowing binge.

“We need to see realization amongst borrowing households and lending banks that this period of cheap international money has been unusual. That means thinking about other eventualities ahead, and in some cases showing less exuberance.”

According to the RBNZ’s website, total household debt rose 13 per cent to NZ$150 billion in January from the same month in 2006. That’s an almost doubling in the past five years.

Analysts say New Zealand has become a favoured destination for some big international investors who borrow at half a per cent in Japan in yen and then move the money to New Zealand where the gross margin is around seven per cent: much of this cheap money is being organised by the big local banks who then use it to finance their current mortgage war.

Before last week’s increase official rates were steady at 7.25 per cent for well over a year.

Complicating the matter is that well over 80 per cent of all home loans in New Zealand have an interest rate that is set for a fixed term, unlike here in Australia where we favour variable rates. That means it is very hard to influence the housing and home buying sectors in NZ by moving interest rates.

The downside is that the rates on business are variable and these are transmitted very quickly (and rates on personal loans and credit cards are variable): so you can have declining exports, a sluggish economy but booming house prices and solid activity in and around the industry.

No wonder Governor Bollard is sounding more than a little frustrated and why pie in the sky ideas of a levy on mortgages have surfaced and then been knocked down.

The Governor summed up the situation with this comment: “It is New Zealand households’ desire to keep investing in housing, while at the same time consuming strongly, that fuels their demand for funds”.

I think the chances are rising there will be a very rough landing.

With the NZ economy increasingly dominated by Australian corporates (banks, media and retailing) the fallout will bounce back here through the various profit and loss accounts and balance sheets.

It won’t be shattering, but it will be a reminder that being big in a very small market can hurt financially.

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Australia’s Suddenly Sunny

There may be worries about global growth and the health of US financial markets but here in Australia its been a surprisingly upbeat week: sunny in fact.

The economy is going well, retail sales are humming (a bit too fast for some), business and consumer confidence has recovered strongly from the battering at the hands of oil and petrol prices in the middle months of 2006, the resources boom shows no sign of tiring, the Chinese and Japanese economies are surging.

Inflation is a bit too high for comfort, wages growth is at the top end of the limit of around 4 per cent a year, our terms of trade are improving and personal income continues to rise.

The only concern is for problems among the no doc/low doc mortgage borrowers and some credit card debt.

Compared to the gloom around in the September quarter and towards the end of the year, the turnaround has been remarkable.

It seems like we have rebounded strongly but in fact it’s been a small but noticeable uplift.

It’s the change in confidence that’s made the difference, and now for the impact on the broader stockmarket.

With all the reservations expressed last month by Reserve Bank Governor, Glenn Stevens in the first Monetary Policy Statement of the year and then before the Housing of Reps. Standing Committee on Finance and the Economy, it’s clear the Australian economy is galloping along very nicely.

So after the upbeat figures on confidence and the second tentative signs of a recovery in housing finance, yesterday’s labour force figures for February were a bit of the same stuff.

Some economists however worry that another month with 22,000 jobs created (293,000 in the year to February) sends a flashing warning signal to the RBA.

There was lots of chat about capacity constraints, wages dangers, inflation and underestimating a rate rise but this is not New Zealand with its unbalanced economy, with surging house prices and an ‘easy money regime’ that again drew the ire of Dr Ian Bollard, head of the NZ Reserve Bank, in a speech yesterday.

The February labour force figures show that employment rose 22,000 in the month after falling a revised 4,800 in January.

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