BHP Eyes Next Big Iron Ore Project

BHP reports its 2016-17 production and sales data in less than two weeks and the full year financial results a month later, but one thing you will hear more of is the looming decision on a new multi-billion dollar iron ore mine in the WA Pilbara region that replace its veteran Yandi operation in around 8 years time.

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BHP: Not Always A Blue-Chip, But Good Buying At The Moment

Having been listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and its predecessor bodies for 132 years, BHP is an icon of the stock market. Every investor understands – or should understand – that successful participation in the stock market requires a long-term view. Even people who have no interest whatsoever in the share market could, if asked to identify an Australian stock, instantly come up with one: BHP.

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BHP Warns Samarco Future ‘Not Assured’

With a missed debt payment hanging over its head and BHP Billiton (BHP) and its Brazilian partner, Vale, still facing massive costs and penalties from the Brazilian government, a game of ‘dare’ has emerged over the future of the Samarco iron ore mine where a disastrous dam collapse late last year devastated villages and the environment, killing people and causing billions of dollars in damage.

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BHP Boss Loses Bonus Over Samarco Disaster

The Samarco mine disaster in Brazil has seen BHP Billiton’s board drop the bonus that would have been paid to CEO, Andrew Mackenzie for the year to June 30. Nineteen people died in the wake of the dam burst and flooding and dozens were injured, Several villages were destroyed and damage in the billions of dollars was caused.

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Silver Lining In BHP Gloom

Despite the sharp fall in interim profit and abandonment of its previous progressive dividend policy, BHP Billiton remains on the hunt for purchases in the copper and oil sectors, even as it acknowledges the outlook for its key commodities will be weaker than previously thought.

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Brazil To Sue BHP, Vale

Brazil’s federal and state governments will sue BHP Billiton (BHP), Vale, (the owners of the Samarco iron ore miner) for 20 billion reais ($7.2 billion) in damages caused by the burst of a tailings dam on November and killed and injured two dozen people and caused widespread damage, according to the country’s Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira.

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