BHP Breaks Records In Ore Production

After months of being the easy target for short sellers, hedge fund traders and market know-alls, especially when there’s weak economic news from China, Australia’s big three iron ore miners – BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals Group – are back in the limelight and enjoyed nice rises yesterday.

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Update on BHP

My first effort at seeking the bottom in BHP had mixed results. I did get a good bounce to just over $34, but the momentum subsided and the stock retreated again. The Boston explosions and premature comments by our government spokesman that it was probably by “terrorists” (why not simply condemn an act of terror?) didn’t help our open yesterday and the BHPKME were stopped out when the stock touched $31.26 momentarily before closing at $32.15.

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BHP Wins Big Coal Price Rise

Hard on the heels of news of offers flying to and fro in the steel industry for 2010 iron ore pricing, BHP is reported to have struck an innovative new short term contract with a big Japanese steel mill that contains a 55% price rise for hard coking coal.

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BHP Does Well

It might have been the weakest first half profit in four years, but BHP Billiton did better than analysts had forecast, nudged its US dollar denominated dividend a touch higher and made the right cautious noises about the chances of a sustained global recovery.

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BHP’s Busy Week

Last week was a busy one for BHP: there was a board meeting to examine the interim results (due for release the week after next) several deals and spending plans for given the greenlight and two board appointments (and retirements were revealed) and announced in a flurry of announcements on Friday.

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