“Tin Ear” CBA Slammed By APRA

Investors ignored the humiliating report from the key banking regulator about the recent performance of the Commonwealth Bank and sent the shares up yesterday – they rose 1.9% to $73.17 despite the report saying that “CBA turned a tin ear to external voices and community expectations about fair treatment”, and had raised “a number of prudential concerns”.

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CBA Culture Slammed In APRA Report

If you thought the performance of the AMP was pretty weak after the revelations at the banking royal commission, then think again. A report from the key bank regulator, APRA has damned the culture, management and board performance of the country’s biggest financial group and bank, the Commonwealth (CBA).

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CBA Joins Vertical Integration Exit

The break up of Australia’s big bank oligopoly is happening faster than either investors, a slothful Federal government, regulators or the late to the scene Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, or investors can comprehend with the news Thursday morning that the embattled Commonwealth Bank has not only sold its insurance business, but is eyeing the sale or float of the country’s biggest privately owned fund manager and its $219 billion in assets.

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Commonwealth Bank Begins Renewal Program

It was a month on Sunday that the Commonwealth Bank’s great secret and nightmare escaped from the secrecy of the bank’s boardroom and senior management offices in its Sydney HQ and out into the public arena – those devastating claims of money laundering from the country’s financial intelligence group, Austrac.

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CBA Posts $9.9b Profit

The Commonwealth Bank has given dividends a boost to keep shareholders happy amid the concerns of the money laundering scandal. At the same time the bank has revealed it is looking at selling its troublesome insurance arm, while it is going to buy the remaining 20% of Aussie home Loans that it doesn’t already own.

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CBA Cuts Executive Pay

Thank god there’s the marriage equality brawl inside the Liberal Party otherwise the Commonwealth Bank’s blundering so far as its money laundering responsibilities are concerned might have been a really big story. So it was a ‘lucky’ CBA that this morning revealed an attempt to try and salve the wounds to its reputation The CEO loses his incentive payment for the year to June, along with other “group executives and non executive directors have their 217-18 pay cut by 20%.

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CBA Scandal To Overshadow Earnings

While the June 30 reporting season adds another gear this week, all attention will be on the full year figures from the Commonwealth Bank on Wednesday and what CEO, Ian Narev and chair, Catherine Livingston say about last Thursday’s sensational money laundering allegations levelled against the bank by the financial intelligence group, Austrac.

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